Regulatory Anti-Money Laundering, Countering the Financing of Terrorism, Countering the Financing of Proliferation & Financial Crimes Prevention


Become a Pillar of Financial Integrity: The Regulators Professional Certification

The fight against financial crime necessitates a skilled and dedicated workforce amongst regulators, the legal system, and law enforcement. The Regulators Professional Certification Program, offered by the Anti-Money Laundering & Financial Crimes Institute (AMLFC Institute) in partnership with Consilium Advisory, equips you with the knowledge and expertise to become a leader in safeguarding the financial system.

Why Choose This Program?

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) estimates that money laundering and terrorist financing activities generate billions of dollars globally, highlighting the critical role of effective regulation. Our program offers several distinct advantages


Comprehensive AML/CFT Regulatory Framework

Gain a deep understanding of international AML/CFT standards, national regulatory frameworks, and best practices in supervisory oversight.


Real-World Application

Learn from practical case studies and scenarios, developing the skills to identify and investigate financial crime activities, conduct effective regulatory examinations, and implement effective enforcement measures.


Industry-Leading Curriculum

Developed by seasoned regulatory professionals at Consilium Advisory, our curriculum reflects the latest trends and best practices in AML/CFT supervision and enforcement.


Internationally Recognized Certification

Demonstrate your commitment to fighting financial crime and strengthen your credentials for a career in regulatory oversight.

Who Should Enroll?

This program caters to a diverse audience seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills in AML/CFT regulation and enforcement. Ideal candidates include


Law Students, Criminal Justice Students, & Forensic Science Students

Gain a competitive edge for careers in regulatory agencies, law enforcement, or financial intelligence units by acquiring a sought-after skillset in AML/CFT investigations.


Business Professionals

Enhance your understanding of AML/CFT regulations to ensure your organization complies with regulatory requirements and mitigates financial crime risks.



Develop expertise in AML/CFT laws and regulations to advise clients on compliance, represent clients in financial crime investigations, or pursue cases involving money laundering or terrorist financing.


Regulatory Supervision & Members of the Judiciary

Strengthen your ability to oversee financial institutions, conduct effective AML/CFT examinations, and enforce regulatory requirements.


Public Protection Officers & Law Enforcement Officers

Deepen your knowledge of financial crime typologies and investigation techniques to disrupt illicit financial activities and prosecute perpetrators.


Certification Course Modules

  • Introduction, Glossary and Overview of Money Laundering, Terrorism Financing and Proliferation Financing
  • The International Context and the FATF Recommendations
  • The Role and Functions of the AML/CFT Supervisor
  • The Obligations of the Regulated Entities
  • Assessing Risks – from the Country’s and Supervisor’s perspectives
  • Assessing Risks – the Regulated Entity’s perspective
  • Quality of information including Suspicious Transaction Reports
  • Overview of the Supervisory Examination including Interview tips
  • Planning the Supervisory Examination
  • Conducting the Supervisory Examination
  • Providing feedback on the Examination Findings
  • Possible ways of addressing non-compliance including sanctions
  • Conducting Financial Investigations
  • Entity assistance and guidance
  • Mutual Evaluations and National Risk Assessments

Benefits Beyond Certification

This program offers more than just a certification. You'll gain the confidence and expertise to


Strengthen Regulatory Effectiveness

Develop the skills to conduct effective AML/CFT supervisory examinations and identify potential areas of non-compliance.


Implement Effective Enforcement Strategies

Gain the knowledge to develop and implement effective enforcement actions against financial institutions engaged in suspicious activity.


Combat Evolving Financial Crime Threats

Stay current with the latest financial crime typologies and adjust your supervisory and enforcement approaches accordingly.


Foster International Cooperation

Develop the skills to collaborate effectively with international counterparts in the fight against global financial crime.

Invest in Your Future & Contribute to Global Security – Enroll Today!

The Regulators Professional Certification Program equips you with the knowledge and skills to become a champion in the fight against financial crime. Contact Consilium Advisory today to discuss how this program can propel your career forward and empower you to contribute to a safer and more secure financial system.

Don't wait – take action and join the movement to combat financial crime!