
Building a Fortress: AML/CFT Compliance Regime Development for FIs & DNFBPs

The global fight against money laundering and terrorist financing (AML/CFT) remains more critical than ever. The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) estimates money laundering represents 2-5% of global GDP, translating to roughly USD 8-20 trillion annually. This highlights the urgent need for robust AML/CFT compliance regimes, particularly in high-risk regions identified by FATF due to weak regulatory frameworks or vulnerabilities exploited by criminals. At [Your Company Name], we offer comprehensive consulting services to develop and implement customized AML/CFT compliance regimes tailored to the specific needs of Financial Institutions (FIs) and Designated Non-Financial Businesses and Professions (DNFBPs). Whether you're a bank navigating complex regulations or a real estate agent operating in a high-risk region, we can help you build a strong and sustainable defense.

At Consilium Advisory, we offer comprehensive consulting services to develop and implement customized AML/CFT compliance regimes tailored to the specific needs of Financial Institutions (FIs) and Designated Non-Financial Businesses and Professions (DNFBPs). Whether you're a bank navigating complex regulations or a real estate agent operating in a high-risk region, we can help you build a strong and sustainable defense.

Heightened Scrutiny in Vulnerable Regions

The FATF identifies specific jurisdictions with strategic deficiencies in their AML/CFT frameworks, placing them under increased monitoring. Businesses operating in these regions face additional scrutiny from regulators and require a robust compliance program to mitigate risk.

Our Competitive Advantage


Risk-Based Approach

We tailor AML/CFT programs to your specific risk profile, industry, geographic footprint, and transaction patterns, ensuring cost-effectiveness and regulatory alignment, even in high-risk areas.


Data-Driven Methodology

We leverage data analytics to pinpoint potential vulnerabilities within your AML/CFT program, focusing on areas posing the highest risk based on your specific circumstances.


Global target
Global Expertise with Local Focus

Our team comprises seasoned AML/CFT specialists with a deep understanding of international regulations, industry best practices, and the unique challenges faced by FIs and DNFBPs in high-risk regions.


Technology Integration

We help you integrate leading AML/CFT technology solutions into your existing infrastructure, streamlining workflows and enhancing program effectiveness.

Our AML/CFT Compliance Regime Development Services


Risk Assessment & Threat Analysis

We conduct a comprehensive risk assessment to identify your potential AML/CFT vulnerabilities and tailor a mitigation strategy, considering the specific risks of high-risk regions.


AML/CFT Policy & Procedure Development

We collaborate with you to develop clear and comprehensive AML/CFT policies and procedures aligned with global standards, FATF recommendations, and relevant regulations in your jurisdiction, even if it's a high-risk area.


Customer Due Diligence (CDD) & Know Your Customer (KYC) Enhancement

We refine your CDD and KYC processes to ensure effective identification and risk assessment of customers and beneficial owners, particularly when operating in high-risk regions.


Transaction Monitoring & Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR)

We implement robust transaction monitoring systems and train your staff to effectively identify, investigate, and report suspicious activities, adhering to regional regulations and international AML/CFT best practices.


AML/CFT Staff Training & Awareness Programs

We develop and deliver targeted training programs to equip your personnel with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively implement and maintain your AML/CFT program, fostering a strong compliance culture throughout your organization.

Benefits of Partnering with Consilium Advisory


Reduced Risk of Regulatory Fines & Reputational Damage

Proactively manage compliance risks and avoid costly penalties, especially in high-risk regions with heightened regulatory scrutiny.


Enhanced Security & Risk Management

Strengthen your defenses against financial crime and protect your business from fraud and illicit activity.


Improved Operational Efficiency

Streamline AML/CFT processes for greater efficiency and cost-effectiveness, even when navigating the complexities of high-risk regions.


Future-Proofed Compliance

Develop a scalable and adaptable AML/CFT regime that can evolve with the ever-changing regulatory landscape and address emerging threats.

In addition to our core services, we offer

  • Ongoing monitoring and support to ensure your program remains effective.
  • Integration with leading KYC/CDD and sanctions screening technology providers.
  • Regular updates and insights on regulatory changes and evolving AML/CFT threats, with a specific focus on high-risk regions.
  • Partner with Consilium Advisory and fortify your defenses against financial crime, no matter where you operate.

Don't wait for regulatory sanctions or reputational damage to expose weaknesses in your AML/CFT defenses.

Contact Consilium Advisory today to discuss how our AML/CFT compliance regime development services can help you build a robust and sustainable program that safeguards your business, fosters trust with stakeholders, and ensures compliance regardless of your location, even in high-risk regions.