
Unveiling the Public Persona: OSINT Intelligence for Enhanced Background Checks

In today's interconnected world, a wealth of valuable information lies readily available online. According to a 2023 World Economic Forum report, the global datasphere is projected to reach 175 zettabytes by 2025, highlighting the potential of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) for comprehensive background checks. This is particularly relevant for businesses operating in high-risk regions identified regularly by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and Transparency International's Corruption Perception Index (CPI) due to limited access to traditional background check resources.

At Consilium Advisory, we offer specialized OSINT intelligence for background checks, empowering you to make informed decisions with confidence. By meticulously analyzing publicly available data, we provide a deeper understanding of individuals and entities, complementing traditional background checks and mitigating risk, regardless of location.

Beyond Traditional Methods

Traditional background checks often rely on limited data sources, potentially overlooking crucial information. Our OSINT investigations delve into the vast public data landscape, uncovering valuable insights not readily accessible through standard methods, particularly in high-risk regions with limited transparency.

Our Differentiating Approach


Expert OSINT Investigators

We leverage cutting-edge data collection and analysis tools to gather, process, and analyze vast amounts of information efficiently, ensuring timely insights even in fast-paced environments.


Technology-Driven Approach

We leverage cutting-edge data collection and analysis tools to gather, process, and analyze vast amounts of information efficiently, ensuring timely insights even in fast-paced environments.


Global target
Global Expertise with Local Context

Our global network allows us to navigate the complexities of gathering intelligence in different countries, understanding the unique challenges of high-risk regions and cultural nuances.


Tailored Intelligence Gathering

We collaborate with you to define your specific needs, focusing our OSINT investigations on uncovering relevant information about potential employees, business partners, or other individuals of interest.

Our OSINT Intelligence for Background Checks Services


Pre-Employment Screening

Gain a deeper understanding of job candidates by analyzing their online presence, verifying credentials, and identifying potential red flags, especially important when hiring in high-risk regions with limited access to traditional screening methods.


Vendor Due Diligence

Evaluate the reputation and financial stability of potential vendors before entering into business partnerships, mitigating risks associated with fraud or corruption in high-risk regions.


Investment Research & Risk Assessment

Uncover valuable insights into potential investments, identifying red flags or connections to sanctioned entities, particularly in high-risk regions with less transparent financial systems.


Competitive Intelligence Gathering

Gain a strategic edge by understanding your competitors' online presence, market positioning, and potential vulnerabilities, even in high-risk regions with limited access to competitor intelligence.


Individual Reputation Management

Monitor your online reputation or the reputation of key individuals within your organization, proactively addressing potential issues and managing online narratives.

Benefits of Partnering with Consilium Advisory


Enhanced Decision Making

Make data-driven decisions with a clearer picture of individuals and entities, mitigating risk and maximizing opportunities.


Reduced Operational Costs

Leverage readily available data to supplement traditional background checks and potentially reduce associated costs.


Improved Risk Management

Identify potential red flags and vulnerabilities early on, proactively mitigating risks associated with fraud, corruption, or reputational damage, especially in high-risk regions.


Global Reach & Local Insight

Gain comprehensive background intelligence regardless of location, navigating the complexities of high-risk regions with confidence.

In addition to our core services, we offer

  • Ongoing support to ensure your OSINT capabilities remain adaptable to evolving data sources and intelligence needs.
  • Regular updates on emerging OSINT techniques and best practices for maximizing your information gathering potential.
  • Collaboration on developing a tailored OSINT strategy that aligns with your specific risk profile and background check requirements.
  • Partner with Consilium Advisory and harness the power of OSINT intelligence for enhanced background checks and informed decision-making.

Don't leave valuable intelligence untapped.

Contact Consilium Advisory today to discuss how our OSINT intelligence for background checks can empower you to make informed decisions, mitigate risk, and gain a competitive advantage in the global marketplace.