
Unveiling Internal Blind Spots: Internal AML/CFT Audit Services

Maintaining a robust Anti-Money Laundering/Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) program is critical for all businesses, but internal audits can reveal hidden vulnerabilities. A 2023 study by the World Bank found that over 40% of financial institutions globally identified weaknesses in their internal controls related to AML/CFT compliance. This highlights the importance of comprehensive internal audits, especially for businesses operating in high-risk regions identified by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) due to weak governance or a prevalence of financial crime.

At Consilium Advisory, we offer a comprehensive suite of HRIE screening consulting services designed to safeguard your business from reputational damage, financial losses, and regulatory sanctions associated with dealing with sanctioned entities or individuals involved in criminal activity.

Beyond Self-Assessment

While self-assessments are a valuable tool, internal audits offer a deeper dive, uncovering potential gaps in design, implementation, and documentation of your AML/CFT program. This is particularly important in high-risk regions where evolving regulations and limited resources can create compliance challenges.

Our Competitive Edge


Experienced AML/CFT Auditors

Our team comprises certified AML/CFT auditors with extensive experience in evaluating programs for global businesses. They possess a deep understanding of FATF recommendations, international standards, and regional nuances, allowing them to tailor audits to your specific risk profile, even in high-risk areas.


Risk-Based Audit Approach

We employ a risk-based methodology, focusing on areas with the highest potential for vulnerabilities, optimizing resource allocation and ensuring a comprehensive yet efficient audit process.


Data Analytics & Audit Testing Tools

We leverage advanced data analytics and audit testing tools to identify inconsistencies, anomalies, and potential control weaknesses within your AML/CFT program.


Global target
Global Expertise with Local Focus

Our global network allows us to stay current with evolving AML/CFT regulations in high-risk regions, ensuring your audit considers both international standards and local requirements.

Our Internal AML/CFT Audit Services


AML/CFT Program Design & Control Assessment

We conduct a comprehensive review of your program's design, controls, and procedures to identify gaps in adherence to FATF recommendations, international standards, and relevant regulations in your jurisdiction, even if it's a high-risk region.


Customer Due Diligence (CDD) & KYC Review

We assess the effectiveness of your CDD and KYC processes, ensuring they meet regulatory requirements and mitigate risks associated with high-risk customers or those located in high-risk regions.


Transaction Monitoring & Sanctions Screening Testing

We evaluate your transaction monitoring systems and sanctions screening procedures to ensure they effectively detect suspicious activity and identify transactions involving sanctioned entities or individuals.


Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Testing

We assess your SAR filing procedures to ensure timely and accurate reporting of suspicious activity, adhering to regional regulations and international AML/CFT standards

Benefits of Partnering with Consilium Advisory


Enhanced Program Effectiveness

Criminals are increasingly exploiting new technologies like cryptocurrencies and virtual assets, demanding a proactive approach to AML/CFT compliance.


Improved Regulatory Confidence

Demonstrate to regulators your commitment to robust AML/CFT controls and achieve a proactive approach to compliance, even in high-risk regions with heightened scrutiny.


Reduced Operational Costs

Proactive identification and remediation of program weaknesses can minimize the risk of costly penalties and regulatory sanctions.


Stronger Risk Management Framework

Gain a deeper understanding of your AML/CFT risk profile and implement targeted controls to mitigate vulnerabilities, especially in high-risk areas.

In addition to our core services, we offer

  • Training and guidance on how to address identified program gaps and implement effective remediation strategies.
  • Ongoing support to ensure your AML/CFT program remains effective in the face of evolving regulations and emerging threats.
  • Regular updates on AML/CFT best practices and regulatory changes, with a focus on the evolving landscape in high-risk regions.
  • Partner with Consilium Advisory and gain the confidence that comes with a thoroughly evaluated and robust AML/CFT program.

Don't let undetected vulnerabilities expose you to regulatory scrutiny and financial losses.

Contact Consilium Advisory today to discuss how our internal AML/CFT audit services can help you identify and address hidden gaps, strengthen your program's effectiveness, and achieve lasting regulatory compliance, no matter your location.