
Unearth the Hidden Clues: Advanced OSINT Training for AML/CFT Professionals

The fight against financial crime demands a multifaceted approach. Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) – the art of uncovering valuable information from publicly available sources – has become an indispensable tool in Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) investigations. Consilium Advisory's Advanced OSINT Training equips AML/CFT and Anti-Financial Crime (AFC) professionals with the advanced skills and techniques needed to leverage the power of OSINT and maximize their investigative capabilities.

Why is Advanced OSINT Training Essential for AML/CFT?

A 2023 report by the Egmont Group, a global network of financial intelligence units, highlights the increasing importance of OSINT in AML/CFT investigations. The report states that OSINT provides valuable investigative leads, assists in corroborating information, and helps identify suspicious activity. Advanced OSINT Training empowers AML/CFT professionals to


Identify Hidden Connections

Uncover previously unknown relationships between individuals and entities involved in suspicious financial activity.


Verify Information

Corroborate information obtained through traditional investigative methods, strengthening case files.


Global target
Track Assets & Funds

Trace the movement of illicit funds and identify hidden assets across borders.


Monitor Emerging Threats

Stay ahead of evolving criminal methodologies by identifying new trends and red flags through open-source information


Reduce Investigation Time & Costs

Effectively utilize free and publicly available resources to expedite investigations and optimize resource allocation.

Consilium Advisory's Competitive Advantage

Our Advanced OSINT Training goes beyond basic web searching. We leverage our extensive experience in OSINT Intelligence Consulting Services to provide a comprehensive and practical training program. Here's what sets us apart


Real-World Scenarios & Case Studies

Learn from practical scenarios mirroring real-world AML/CFT investigations. Develop critical thinking skills and apply OSINT techniques to solve complex problems.


Advanced Search Techniques

Master advanced search methodologies utilizing specialized tools and databases to uncover hidden information in the vast online landscape.


Global target
Social Media Intelligence (SOCMINT)

Learn how to harness the power of social media platforms to gather valuable intelligence and identify suspicious activity.


Data Analysis & Visualization

Develop the skills to effectively analyze and visualize OSINT data, extracting meaningful insights and generating compelling reports.


Continuous Learning & Support

Benefit from ongoing access to industry resources and expert guidance to stay current with the ever-evolving OSINT landscape.

Invest in Enhanced Investigative Capabilities

Advanced OSINT Training equips your AML/CFT and AFC staff with the skills needed to become more effective investigators. This translates into stronger AML/CFT programs, increased detection rates of suspicious activity, and a more robust defense against financial crime.

Contact Consilium Advisory today to discuss how our Advanced OSINT Training program can empower your team to leverage the power of open-source intelligence in your AML/CFT investigations.

Don't wait – unlock the hidden potential of OSINT and strengthen your AML/CFT defenses!

Additionally, explore our OSINT Intelligence Consulting Services to learn how Consilium Advisory can directly assist your AML/CFT investigations by leveraging our team of OSINT specialists.