
Gain the Competitive Edge: OSINT Intelligence for Corporate Insight

In today's fiercely competitive business landscape, knowledge is power. A 2024 McKinsey Global Institute report estimates that companies leveraging advanced analytics outperform their peers by up to 10% in profitability. Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) offers a cost-effective way to gather valuable insights, empowering businesses to make informed strategic decisions, particularly in high-risk regions identified by the World Bank's Doing Business Index due to limited access to traditional market research resources.

At Consilium Advisory, we offer comprehensive OSINT intelligence for corporate intelligence solutions, designed to unlock a wealth of publicly available data and transform it into actionable insights. We empower you to gain a deeper understanding of your market landscape, competitors, and potential opportunities, regardless of your location.

Beyond Traditional Business Intelligence

Traditional business intelligence often relies on limited data sets and can be time-consuming to acquire. Our OSINT solutions delve into the vast public data universe, uncovering hidden trends, competitor activities, and emerging threats, offering a strategic advantage, especially in high-risk regions where market data might be scarce.

Our Competitive Advantage


Seasoned OSINT Analysts

Our team comprises experienced analysts with a proven track record of extracting valuable insights from diverse open-source channels, including news archives, social media discussions, public filings, and industry forums.


Advanced Data Mining & Analysis Techniques

We leverage cutting-edge data mining and analysis tools to gather, process, and analyze vast amounts of information efficiently, extracting actionable intelligence for strategic decision-making.


Global target
Global Reach & Localized Expertise

Our global network allows us to navigate the complexities of gathering intelligence in different markets, understanding the unique regulatory environments and cultural nuances of high-risk regions.


Bespoke Intelligence Gathering

We collaborate with you to define your specific needs, focusing our OSINT investigations on uncovering relevant data about your target markets, competitors, and industry trends.

Our OSINT Intelligence for Corporate Intelligence Services


Market Research & Competitive Analysis

Gain a comprehensive understanding of your target market, competitor strategies, pricing models, and brand sentiment using readily available online data, even in high-risk regions with limited market research infrastructure.


Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) Due Diligence

Uncover critical information about potential acquisition targets, identify potential risks or hidden liabilities, and make informed investment decisions, particularly when considering M&A in high-risk regions.


Supply Chain Risk Management

Assess the potential risks associated with your supply chain by evaluating the reputation and financial stability of your suppliers, especially in high-risk regions with a higher prevalence of counterfeiting or labor rights violations.


Emerging Threat & Opportunity Detection

Identify early signs of emerging market trends, potential threats to your market position, and new business opportunities through continuous OSINT monitoring and analysis.


Industry & Regulatory Landscape Analysis

Gain a deeper understanding of the regulatory landscape and industry dynamics in your target markets, navigating potential compliance challenges in high-risk regions with stricter regulations.

Benefits of Partnering with Consilium Advisory


Enhanced Strategic Decision-Making

Make data-driven decisions based on comprehensive market intelligence, gaining a competitive advantage in the global marketplace.


Reduced Operational Costs

Leverage readily available data to supplement traditional market research methods, potentially reducing associated costs.


Proactive Risk Management

Identify potential threats and vulnerabilities early on, enabling proactive mitigation strategies to protect your business from unexpected disruptions.


Global target
Global Insights with Local Context

Gain a holistic view of the market landscape, understanding the complexities of high-risk regions and navigating them with confidence.

In addition to our core services, we offer

  • Customized training programs to equip your team with the skills to conduct basic OSINT investigations and leverage open-source data for strategic advantage.
  • Ongoing monitoring and analysis of relevant data sources to ensure you stay informed of evolving market trends and competitor activities.
  • Integration with leading business intelligence platforms for seamless data analysis and reporting.
  • Partner with Consilium Advisory and ensure your AML/CFT armor remains a perfect fit.

Unleash the power of OSINT intelligence.

Contact Consilium Advisory today to discuss how our OSINT intelligence for corporate intelligence solutions can empower you to gain the insights you need to make informed decisions, win in competitive markets, and achieve sustainable business growth, regardless of your location.