
Navigate the AML Maze: Holistic Risk Management Solutions

Anti-Money Laundering (AML) threats are constantly evolving, posing significant risks to businesses of all sizes. The Egmont Group, a network of financial intelligence units (FIUs), estimates that over USD 2 trillion worth of suspicious activity reports (SARs) were filed globally in 2021. This highlights the need for a comprehensive AML risk management strategy, particularly for businesses operating in high-risk regions identified by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) due to weak AML frameworks.

At Consilium Advisory, we offer a comprehensive suite of AML risk management consulting services designed to help you proactively identify, assess, and mitigate AML risks within your organization, regardless of your location.

Beyond Compliance: Embracing a Risk-Based Approach

Traditional, checklist-based AML compliance approaches can be cumbersome and ineffective. We advocate for a risk-based approach that tailors your AML program to your specific risk profile, industry, geographic footprint, and transaction patterns. This ensures efficient resource allocation and focuses efforts on areas posing the highest risk, particularly when operating in high-risk regions.

Our Differentiating Approach


Risk Assessment & Threat Analysis

We conduct a comprehensive risk assessment to identify your potential AML vulnerabilities and tailor a mitigation strategy, considering the unique challenges of high-risk regions with a higher prevalence of financial crime.


Scenario Development & Impact Analysis

We collaborate with you to develop realistic AML scenarios and analyze their potential impact on your business, ensuring your program addresses the most relevant threats, even in high-risk areas.


Data Analytics & Reporting

We leverage advanced data analytics to identify suspicious patterns and trends within your transaction data, enabling proactive risk detection and mitigation efforts.


Global target
Global Expertise with Local Focus

Our team comprises seasoned AML professionals with a deep understanding of international AML standards, FATF recommendations, and the evolving regulatory landscape in high-risk regions.

Our AML Risk Management Solutions


AML Program Design & Implementation

We collaborate with you to develop and implement a customized AML program that aligns with international standards, FATF recommendations, and relevant regulations in your jurisdiction, even if it's a high-risk area.


Customer Due Diligence (CDD) & KYC Enhancement

We refine your CDD and Know Your Customer (KYC) processes to ensure effective identification and risk assessment of customers and beneficial owners, particularly when operating in high-risk regions.


Transaction Monitoring & Sanctions Screening Optimization

We optimize your transaction monitoring systems and sanctions screening procedures to effectively detect suspicious activity and identify transactions involving sanctioned entities or individuals, adhering to international AML standards and regional regulations.


AML Controls & Procedures Development

We assist you in developing and implementing robust AML controls and procedures to mitigate identified risks, ensuring a strong foundation for your AML program.


AML Training & Staff Awareness Programs

We develop and deliver targeted training programs to equip your personnel with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively implement and maintain your AML program, fostering a strong compliance culture.

Benefits of Partnering with Consilium Advisory


Proactive Risk Mitigation

Identify and address AML risks before they escalate, minimizing financial losses and reputational damage.


Enhanced Regulatory Compliance

Demonstrate a proactive approach to AML compliance and achieve a proactive stance with regulators, especially in high-risk regions with heightened scrutiny.


Improved Operational Efficiency

Streamline AML processes and resource allocation through a risk-based approach, focusing efforts on high-risk areas.


Continuous Improvement

Our ongoing support ensures your AML program adapts to evolving regulations, emerging threats, and changes within your business.

In addition to our core services, we offer

  • Integration with leading AML technology solutions.
  • Regular updates on evolving AML threats, regulatory changes, and best practices, with a specific focus on high-risk regions.
  • Ongoing support to ensure your AML program remains effective and adaptable to emerging challenges.
  • Partner with Consilium Advisory and navigate the complexities of AML risk management with confidence.

Don't wait for a regulatory penalty to expose your AML vulnerabilities.

Contact Consilium Advisory today to discuss how our AML risk management solutions can help you build a robust and sustainable program that safeguards your business, fosters trust with stakeholders, and empowers you to thrive in the ever-changing AML landscape, no matter your location.