
Safeguard Your Organization: A Premier Fraud Risk Management Certification Program

Fraud is a pervasive threat across industries, causing significant financial losses and reputational damage. The Fraud Risk Management Certification Program, offered by the Anti-Money Laundering & Financial Crimes Institute (AMLFC Institute) in partnership with Consilium Advisory, equips you with the knowledge and skills to build effective fraud risk management programs and combat this growing threat.

Why Choose This Program?

A 2023 report by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) estimates that occupational fraud costs organizations an average of $4.2 million globally. Our program offers several distinct advantages:


Comprehensive Fraud Risk Management Expertise

Gain a thorough understanding of the fraud lifecycle, common fraud schemes, and best practices in implementing effective fraud risk management programs.


Real-World Application

Learn from practical case studies and scenarios, developing the skills to identify, investigate, and prevent fraud within your organization.


Industry-Leading Curriculum

Developed by seasoned fraud risk management professionals at Consilium Advisory, our curriculum reflects the latest trends and best practices in fraud detection, prevention, and response.


Internationally Recognized Certification

Demonstrate your commitment to safeguarding your organization from fraud and enhance your profile as a fraud risk management specialist.

Who Should Enroll?

This program caters to a diverse audience seeking to enhance their fraud risk management knowledge and skills. Ideal candidates include


Graduates & Undergraduates

Gain a competitive edge upon graduation by acquiring a sought-after skillset in internal controls, fraud detection, and risk management, valuable assets for careers in accounting, finance, or auditing.


Business Professionals

Enhance your understanding of fraud risks to develop and implement effective internal controls within your organization, minimizing financial losses and reputational damage.



Develop expertise in fraud litigation to represent clients in fraud cases, investigate potential fraud schemes, and advise businesses on implementing effective fraud prevention measures.


Accountants & Financial Auditors

Deepen your knowledge of fraud detection techniques to identify red flags during audits, assess the effectiveness of internal controls, and advise clients on mitigating fraud risks.


Finance Professionals

Gain a valuable skillset to advance your career in risk management, internal audit, or corporate compliance departments, where understanding fraud risk is paramount.


Regulatory Supervision & Law Enforcement Officers

Strengthen your investigative capabilities regarding fraud to identify and prosecute fraudsters, protecting businesses and consumers from financial crime.


Certification Course Modules

  • Enterprise & Fraud Risk Management
  • Fraud Risk Governance
  • Fraud Detection Programs & Controls
  • Fraud Risk Assessments
  • Intro to Fraud Schemes, Skimming Schemes Expense Reporting Fraud
  • Cash Larceny Schemes
  • Payroll Fraud Schemes
  • Billing Schemes
  • Bribery & Corruption
  • Financial Statement Fraud
  • Fraud Case Study
  • Ethics & Compliance
  • Conducting Investigations
  • Conducting Investigations Case Study

Benefits Beyond Certification

This program offers more than just a certification. You'll gain the confidence and expertise to


Identify & Mitigate Fraud Risks

Proactively identify vulnerabilities within your organization's internal controls and implement effective mitigation strategies.


Develop & Implement Fraud Prevention Measures

Design and implement robust fraud prevention programs tailored to your organization's specific risks.


Conduct Effective Fraud Investigations

Develop the skills to investigate suspected fraud, gather evidence, and identify responsible individuals.


Contribute to a Culture of Ethical Conduct

Promote a culture of integrity within your organization, deterring fraudulent behavior and fostering trust.

Invest in Your Future & Protect Your Organization – Enroll Today!

The Fraud Risk Management Certification Program equips you with the knowledge and skills to become a fraud risk management champion. Contact Consilium Advisory today to discuss how this program can propel your career forward and empower you to safeguard your organization from fraud.

Don't wait – take action and build a strong defense against financial crime!